Solutions Through Informationsm
Trademark Searching
Patent Searching
Scientific Searches
Market Information
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Company Information


 Patent/Trademark Searches

The Devine Corporation provides you with complete access to both United States and International patent and trademark information, as well as "prior art" technical literature. By doing your research before applying for a patent, your changes increase for a successful patent application.

Technical Searches
TDC has worldwide access to scientific and technical databases in life and medical sciences, pharmaceuticals, engineering, computer science and chemistry to give a short list. In addition to complete prior art investigations, TDC can provide current scientific and technical information to companies to help them make key technology decisions that will allow them to be more competitive in their markets.
 Competitive Intelligence

Knowing the competition is essential when operating a business. Through our searches, The Devine Corporation can provide you with current information on companies, products and technologies. We bring together the resources that can help your company succeed.

 Market Analysis
Identifying your customers and looking at their changing needs and who are your customers is vital to keep up with the rapidly changing market in today's economy. By providing information on competitors, potential clients, products and demographic statistics your company will have a clearer picture of your markets and your place in the market.

Copyright 2013,
The Devine Corporation

All rights reserved

The Devine Corporation
P O Box 357891
Gainesville, FL 32635-7891
Phone: (352) 378-3713
Fax: (352) 372-6896
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